750 Pts - Daemonhunters - Unnamed

Name # Grp WS BS S T Wo I A Ld Save Cost
HQ: Inquisitor Lord (7#, 208 Pts)
  Inquisitor Lord 1 HQ 4/5 4/5 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+ 208
Psyker; Iron Will; Independent Character (unless leading a retinue). An Inquisitor Lord must be accompanied by a retinue of 3-12 Henchmen.; Word of the Emperor; Psycannon; Auspex
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [45]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [35]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Plasma Cannon (x1); Targeter
        Plasma Cannon 1 36" Range; S7; AP2; Heavy1; Blast; Gets hot! [0]
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [25]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [15]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Heavy Bolter (x1); Targeter
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [25]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [15]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Heavy Bolter (x1); Targeter
    Sage 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [10]
If accompanied by a Sage, the Inquisitor benefits from +1BS. If he has more than one Sages in his retinue, the Inquisitor or a member of his retinue tmay re-roll a failed roll to hit during the Shooting Phase to hit. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
    Sage 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [10]
If accompanied by a Sage, the Inquisitor benefits from +1BS. If he has more than one Sages in his retinue, the Inquisitor or a member of his retinue tmay re-roll a failed roll to hit during the Shooting Phase to hit. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
    Mystic 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [6]
If a unit of Daemons, a Greater Daemon or Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6" of a retinue with a Mystic, the retinue may immediately take a free shot at them. These shots are taken before the unit moves as an exception to the normal turn sequence. If the retinue has two or more Mystics, then a unit within 12" of the retinue may be nominated to take these free shots. See C: DH, pg. 15.; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
Elite: Inquisitor (7#, 183 Pts)
  Inquisitor 1 Elite 4/5 4/5 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+ 183
Psyker; Independent Character (unless leading a retinue). An Inquisitor may be accompanied by a retinue of 0-6 Henchmen.; Word of the Emperor; Psycannon; Auspex
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [45]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [35]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Plasma Cannon (x1); Targeter
        Plasma Cannon 1 36" Range; S7; AP2; Heavy1; Blast; Gets hot! [0]
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [25]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [15]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Heavy Bolter (x1); Targeter
    Warrior 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ [25]
The Inquisitor gains +1 WS if he has any Warriors in his retinue. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Gun Servitor
      Gun Servitor 1 [15]
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Heavy Bolter (x1); Targeter
    Sage 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [10]
If accompanied by a Sage, the Inquisitor benefits from +1BS. If he has more than one Sages in his retinue, the Inquisitor or a member of his retinue tmay re-roll a failed roll to hit during the Shooting Phase to hit. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
    Sage 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [10]
If accompanied by a Sage, the Inquisitor benefits from +1BS. If he has more than one Sages in his retinue, the Inquisitor or a member of his retinue tmay re-roll a failed roll to hit during the Shooting Phase to hit. See C:WH, pg. 16 or C:DH, pg. 15.
Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
    Mystic 1 - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1/2 8 6+ [6]
If a unit of Daemons, a Greater Daemon or Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6" of a retinue with a Mystic, the retinue may immediately take a free shot at them. These shots are taken before the unit moves as an exception to the normal turn sequence. If the retinue has two or more Mystics, then a unit within 12" of the retinue may be nominated to take these free shots. See C: DH, pg. 15.; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
Troops: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (10#, 131 Pts)
  Inquisitorial Stormtroopers 9 Troops 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ 131
Frag Grenades; Hellgun (x7); Plasmagun (x2); Targeter
    Veteran Stormtrooper 1 - 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ [21]
Frag Grenade (Squad); Close combat weapon (x1); Bolter
Troops: Grey Knights (8#, 228 Pts)
  Grey Knights 7 Troops 5 4 4/6 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ 228
Grey Knight special rules; Nemesis and Storm bolter (x7); True Grit
    Grey Knight Justicar 1 - 5 4 4/6 4 1 4 2/3 9 3+ [53]
Grey Knight special rules; Frag Grenades; Nemesis Force Weapon; Storm Bolter; True Grit Hero; Auspex
Total Cost: 750

Option Footnotes
Psychic Powers
Word of the Emperor Use at the beginning of the enemy Assault phase. Enemy units attempting to charge the user or his unit must pass a Ld test. If they fail they may not assasult at all that turn. See C:WH, pg. 14.
True Grit See C:DH, pg. 8.
True Grit Hero See C:DH, pg. 8.
Auspex If an enemy unit with the Infiltrate special rule sets up within 4D6" of a model with an auspex, then that model is allowed to take a "free" shot at them (or sound the alarm if sentries are being used). If the model is part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. Otherwise, the normal shooting rules apply. See C:WH, pg. 20, C:DH, pg 16, OR Wargear, pg. 38.
Targeter Allowed to pre-measure the range to a target before they decide to shoot at in the Shooting phase. After you have used a targeter Guess range weapons may not be used that turn. See C:WH, pg. 22 OR Wargear, pg. 61.
Bolter 24" Range; S4; AP5; Rapid Fire.
Close Combat Weapon If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.
Frag Grenade (Squad) Fight simultaneously with troops in cover (p39 WH40K)
Frag Grenades Fight simultaneously with troops in cover (p39 WH40K)
Heavy Bolter 36" Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3
Hellgun 24" Range; S3; AP5; Rapid Fire.
Krak Grenades One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p39 WH40K)
Laspistol 12" Range; S3; AP-; Pistol
Nemesis and Storm bolter See C:DH, pg. 18.
24" Range; S4; AP5; Assault2.
Nemesis Force Weapon See C:DH, pg. 18.
Plasma Cannon 36" Range; S7; AP2; Heavy1; Blast; Gets hot!
Plasmagun 24" Range; S7; AP2; Rapid Fire; Gets Hot!
Psycannon 18" Range; S6; AP4; Assault 3 OR 36" Range, S6 AP4 Heavy 3
Storm Bolter 24" Range; S4; AP5; Assault2.

Roster Design Information
Grey Knight Special Rules:
Fearless (WH40K Rulebook, pg. 74)
Deep Strike (Codex: DH, pg. 8)
True Grit (WH40K Rulebook, pg. 76)
The Aegis (Codex: DH, pg. 8)
The Shrouding (Codex: DH, pg. 8)
Rites of Exorcism (Codex: DH, pg. 8)
Daemonic Infestation (Codex: DH, pg. 8)

Validation Report
Core/Expansion Lists: Core Lists; Choose Ally: Inducted Imperial Guard; Army Type: Daemonhunters Army; Scenario: Normal Mission
Item 'Plasma Cannon': You are only allowed one of these items in the army list
Item 'Gun Servitor': One or more options are not valid
Item 'Gun Servitor': One or more options are not valid

Roster Statistics
% Elite: 24.4
% Fast: 0.0
% Heavy: 0.0
% HQ: 27.7
Model Count: 32
% Troops: 47.9
% Wargear: 17.3
Faith Points: 0

Group Min Max Used
HQ 1 2 1
Elite 0 3 1
Troops 2 6 2
Fast 0 3 0
Heavy 0 3 0

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